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The price of a colonoscopy or upper endoscopy (EGD) in Spokane varies widely depending on the location and facility.
This page was created to make it easy for you to compare costs and make an informed decision.
Click on the button to the right to compare Spokane Digestive’s price and to see why we are a great value.
Patients who choose Spokane Digestive may pay hundreds of dollars less in out-of-pocket costs.
Click Our Quality on the home page to read about our quality measures and see how our quality exceeds national standards.
Preventive Colonoscopy (low risk screening diagnosis): Patient has no gastrointestinal symptoms, over the age of 50, has no personal or family history of GI disease, colon polyps, and/or cancer.
Surveillance (High Risk Screening diagnosis) Colonoscopy: Patient has personal history of GI disease, personal and/or family history of colon polyps, and/or cancer.
Diagnostic Colonoscopy: Patient has past and/or present gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding), polyps, GI disease, iron deficiency anemia and/or any other abnormal tests.
Most insurance carriers pay for a preventive colonoscopy, over the age of 50, in full, with no out of pocket cost (no deductible, co-pay or co-insurance). If tissue is removed (polyps/biopsies) there may be out of pocket costs for pathology.
Some insurance carriers cover surveillance colonoscopy based on diagnosis. While patients are responsible to know what their health insurance benefits include, our office will work with you to verify your plan benefits.
Insurance carriers cover a diagnostic colonoscopy after deductible, copay and coinsurance is met. While patients are responsible to know what their health insurance benefits include, our office will work with you to verify your plan benefits.
Out of pocket costs are expenses for medical care that are not reimbursed by your insurance including deductible, co-pay and co-insurance. Spokane Digestive will verify your coverage and benefits to determine your out of pocket costs based on your individual plan. At the time of service, we will ask for one-half of your out of pocket cost. Payment plan options are available.
Your bill will include a facility fee, physicians professional fee, anesthesia fee, and pathology if tissue is removed (polyps and/or biopsies).